Show and Tell
The lambda lounge this Monday are doing a show and
tell. We'll meet at @madlabuk at 7pm
as usual.
It's going to be a pretty informal round table
discussion, so bring something along to chat about that
you think will be interesting to the Lambda
Things you could bring...
- A cool book you've read on Functional Programming or Computer Science
- An interesting paper, you've read on Computer Science, Types, Functional Programming etc...
- A neat algorithm
- An awesome API you've found
- A blog article you've found interesting.
Ideally you should be able to talk about what you've brought for a minute or two. Feel free to bring as many things as you want to chat about - just try and keep them relevant to computer science and/or PLT.
Don't worry if you don't have anything to bring
- just come and join the conversations.