

Hacknight: The Functional Internet of Things

We’re meeting on Monday 17th July at 7pm at MadLab to play with microcontrollers and functional languages! We will have some instructions for very simple projects that you can extend. Alternatively, you are welcome to work on a project of your own, or join other attendees to help them.

After our May talks on IoT we’ll meet to work together on various Internet of Things projects. This will be a Hands On session, so please do bring:

 * laptop
 * any electronics kit you have that you'd like to play with

But don’t worry: we will bring various microcontrollers: ESP8266, Arduino, some BBC micro:bits etc.

We’ll start by getting software installed and things setup, so do feel free to arrive early if you can. Then we’ll do a brief brainstorming exercise, and form into small teams (or work alone if you prepare) on our projects!