We’ll meet on Monday 20th November, 7pm (doors open a little earlier, we aim to start by 7:10pm) at MadLab for the final meeting of the year! We’ll do a Show and Tell of projects that people have been involved and some Discussion on topics of interest.
We still have space for topics! We’re looking for short talks (5-15 minutes) on any topic of interest to Functional Programmers, and about Any Programming Language. So whether you’re using Monads in Python, doing Internet of Things with Haskell, FRP in Javascript, or an MMORPG in Erlang, feel free to suggest a talk!
- Paul Brabban (defshef) discussion on “intro to FP” workshop
- James Fielder “So you’re stuck with Java/C++ and you want to do FP…”
- Giambattista Pieretti Erlang & Internet of Things, with the Wemos D1 mini (Arduino compatible board)
- Hakim Cassimally a Clojure macro to make declaring XML data simpler
- …
Really looking forward to seeing what people have been playing with over the year! Please reply to the mailing list or ping @lambdamcr to propose a topic!
(Alternatively, feel free to bring an idea on the night and we may be able to fit you in.)